Retirement Send Off for Ken LaneKen Lane's Retirement from The Adult Skills Center; leaving behind a legacy that has changed the lives of thousands. A special video...
Animal Assisted TherapyDeveloping a bond with an animal can help people develop a better sense of self-worth and trust, stabilize their emotions, and improve...
Emergency Preparedness BackpacksThanks to Verizon; our clients received their very own Ready America emergency preparedness backpacks. The Adult Skills Center serves...
What can I personally do to be more inclusive?Inclusion: the practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded or...
Clients Launch New Micro EnterpriseCommunity integrated businesses employed entirely by individuals receiving services through The Adult Skills Center. We operate retail...
Garlic Hummus On The SpectrumOur Clinical Director, Kelly Grimes, and her son Bradley make a simple and healthy garlic hummus. This visual instructional video is an...